Wednesday, 4 August 2010

And the fun begins!

We have been letting Olivia have no nappy on in the mornings for around a week now. Mainly due to her insisting on stripping her nappy off when she feels like it.
Olivia definetly isn't keen on the potty and would rather stand in it. We have bought chocolate buttons as a bribe for her to sit on it but she just isn't impressed. So far we have had fluffs on the toilet which we praise her for as it shows she is using the right muscles. She did a little wee on the toilet around day 2 but then nothing.

Then today 04/08/2010
Olivia had a poo in her training pants looooovely......not and as I was rinsing the nappy she started to wee and shouted mummy and stopped weeing, I quickly put her on the toilet and explained we wee on there and asked her to try again. And she did!!! She did a big wee on the toilet. I am so proud of her! Lots of praise given. I'm not overly sure she got what the praise was for but heres hoping we get more!
Our goal was one wee on the toilet before the school holidays are over and she has done it. Next goal is another wee on the toilet :-) and as I wrote the she piddled on the floor! Well at least the room will smell nice of pine disinfectant.......Glad game lol

Well we have had another wee on the toilet so another goal met!